#chiropractickinesiology #drtimothyfrancis @drtimfrancisdc
For more than three decades, Dr. Timothy D. Francis has led a successful career in applied kinesiology. The owner of Chiropractic Kinesiology and a top instructor with the International College of Applied Kinesiology, Timothy D. Francis, D.C., has extensive experience in areas such as treating the cause of pain, homeopathy, integrative medicine, and acupuncture. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), acupuncture is an effective treatment for nearly 30 conditions. The idea of acupuncture can be daunting for some, but when properly performed the treatment is completely safe. The treatment has been proven to control some types of pain and often works best as a combination treatment for patients who either do not respond, or do not want to take, pain medication. Further, acupuncture as practiced by Dr. Francis utilizing his unique approach does not involve needles or any type of puncture of the skin. Many acupuncturists have traveled to study with Dr. Francis. He has also received awards for various original papers on the subject of the application of acupuncture with applied kinesiology. Acupuncture treatments have been found to confer a host of other benefits. Some studies have found that the procedure helps boost immune cell activity and reduce annual allergy symptoms. Regular acupuncture treatments have been linked with fewer feelings of depression, fewer monthly migraines, and lower blood pressure. Additionally, some research has found that acupuncture can help overweight adult lose weight and ease the severity of hot flashes among women with menopause.