2018 Tim Talks

2018 Tim Talks

Another great success with the 2018 Tim Talks with Dr Timothy Francis in Las Vegas #chiropractickinesiology #drtimothyfrancis @drtimfrancisdc #timtalks

Integrative Medicine Growing in Popularity

Integrative Medicine Growing in Popularity

#chiropractickinesiology #drtimothyfrancis @drtimfrancisdc Dr. Timothy D. Francis, a respected practitioner of chiropractic and applied kinesiology, has lectured extensively around the world. Accomplished in research as well as practice, Dr. Timothy D. Francis has...
Benefits of Acupuncture

Benefits of Acupuncture

#chiropractickinesiology #drtimothyfrancis @drtimfrancisdc For more than three decades, Dr. Timothy D. Francis has led a successful career in applied kinesiology. The owner of Chiropractic Kinesiology and a top instructor with the International College of Applied...
Meridians of the Body – An Introduction

Meridians of the Body – An Introduction

#chiropractickinesiology #drtimothyfrancis @drtimfrancisdc A privately practicing holistic practitioner, Dr. Timothy D. Francis draws on training in clinical acupuncture and other methodologies. Dr. Timothy D. Francis has published on the use of the extraordinary...
A Homeopathic Medicine Approach for Varicose Veins

A Homeopathic Medicine Approach for Varicose Veins

#chiropractickinesiology #drtimothyfrancis @drtimfrancisdc Dr. Timothy D. Francis serves as owner of Chiropractic Kinesiology and emphasizes his unique holistic technologies in patient-centered treatment. He treats patients spanning the United States, Europe, Canada,...
Chiropractic – Historical Roots

Chiropractic – Historical Roots

#chiropractickinesiology #drtimothyfrancis @drtimfrancisdc A practitioner of applied kinesiology, Dr. Timothy D. Francis helps patients from around the country through his private chiropractic office. To train for his career, Timothy D. Francis enrolled at the Los...
Understanding Applied Kinesiology

Understanding Applied Kinesiology

#chiropractickinesiology #drtimothyfrancis @drtimfrancisdc Dr. Timothy D. Francis, a chiropractor operating his own practice in Las Vegas, teaches applied kinesiology through the International College of Applied Kinesiology. Moreover, Dr. Timothy D. Francis...