Dr. Aaron Orpelli
Chiropractor Specializing in Allergy Elimination & Kinesiology
My name is Dr.Aaron Orpelli, practicing in Los Angeles. I met Tim Francis in the beginning of the 90’s in Blake seminar, AK and then I followed Tim Francis to do the 100 hours for like over 6 times. I met him in many other seminars too and he was the one that taught me the majority of my adjustment today. I learned from him how to adjust and move almost any bone from nose to toes. I follow him and I learn from him a lot. When I have crisis, health crisis, always ask him to help me, guide me, adjust me and most of the time I drove here or flew here to get the help from him. So thank you very much and I actually sent 2 of my colleagues, friends before I came here last week to his 100 hour seminar. So, he is fantastic, incredible instructor, teacher, great heart and willing to help in any price to other people in the need.
Chiropractor Specializing in Allergy Elimination & Kinesiology
6360 Wilshire Blvd
Suite 210
Los Angeles, CA 90048
(310) 278-4567