Dr. Michael McCall
Chiropractor, Certified Applied Kinesiologist and Nutrition Counselor
I’m Dr. Mike McCall and I’ve known Tim Francis since 2000 and he had a pony tail and those really cool looking glasses. I remember sitting in that class and just being blown away by someone who, I keep hearing the term “master”, master, I guess that is a good term. One of the things that I admire about him is his tenacity, his tenacity to go that just doesn’t make sense, it should be easier. He has a guiding philosophy that makes him find the answers and, not only that, he realizes that it’s not all his work, that he’s willing to share and tell each and every one of us that, yes, you can help your patients just as good as I am. And that you have to work hard and you have to care about people, truly care about people, to work so hard as well as to spend all the time that he does traveling all around the country teaching people how to help. I mean, his focus is basically just to make mankind healthy and it goes right back to one of his professions which is chiropractic. D.D. Palmer and B.J. Palmer were saying, you know what, one subway station or one kind of health problem from one person isn’t a big deal but if you can clear humanity of these things, wonder what the planet would be. Why don’t we go to the prisons and adjust, why don’t we go to the insane asylums and do these things. So, he’s powerful in many different ways, I’ve learned a lot from him without him saying a word, just by the way that he has inflections. He is someone who has worked very hard, you know, on himself, mentally, emotionally, spiritually as well as to develop the time and ability to articulate very complicated systems into a very simple thing. There isn’t a day in my practice that I don’t do something that he has taught me. I tell my patients that all the time, there isn’t one thing I do that each patient in every visit that I didn’t learn from Tim Francis. So, I just love the guy. I love the guy to death.
Dr. McCall utilizes multiple modalities of health and combines his experience in Chiropractic and Nutrition with Homeopathy, Chinese Medicine and Neuro Emotional Technique to generate holistic health for his patients.
15455 NW Greenbrier Parkway Suite 150 Beaverton, Oregon 97006