Juli Tooley, DC
chiropractor at Subluxations, Etc.
My name is Dr. Juli Tooley. I’m a chiropractor and I practice in San Diego, California. I have known Dr. Francis since 1997 when I met him at a neuro emotional technique seminar and he told me I needed to come and learn AK from him. I said, at that point, I’ve been in practice longer than you, I’m older than you and I took 300 hours of AK back in the 70’s. His retort was “you don’t know AK the way I know AK” and my retort was “okay”. I ran into him several other times after that and he convinced me that I should come and see how he teaches. When I got to his first seminar I was totally totally blown away because he taught it totally differently than I learned it back in the 70’s. Even though I learned it from George Goodheart in the 70’s, Tim related it to adjusting and chiropractic and it was much more user friendly in my office. I then went on to help him assistant teach for him for 3 years probably up to 3 times a month in Dallas, Portland, San Jose and sometimes Chicago. I’ve kind of been following him around ever since because even though I call him WB which stands for Wonder Boy, he does things that I have not seen anybody else in the country and in the world ( I lived in Italy and practiced there for 2 years) do. So, I would urge anybody who wants to further their career as a chiropractor and be able to help more people and teach people to come and follow him, listen to him, take seminars from him because he is a plethora of information and experience that you will not get from anybody else in the world. Would you suggest that people come to see him as far as being adjusted and being a patient? Of course. He will always be my go-to person if I have a problem, if I have a patient with a problem or if my family has a problem. No matter how difficult he can always figure it out.
Juli Tooley, DC
3737 Moraga Ave San Diego, CA 92117
(858) 270-6005
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